Prepared by: Sustainable Transport for Stellenbosch*
*Sustainable Transport for Stellenbosch is a collaboration between transport, urban development and sustainability professionals along with locally interested persons.
Please find the document here:
Please also find a link to the existing Integrated Transport Plan here:
Please also post the non-motorised transport plan (NMTP) as well.
Apparently local government is in favor of the Western bypass road in Devon Valley, the broadening of the R44 and the rezoning of Technopark into an residential and office park, which will dramatically increase the urbanisation of Stellenbosch and loss of its rural and winelands character, at the expense of tourism, a local community already swamped by traffic and agricultural activity. Rapid urbanization is not the answer to a better future for Stellenbosch, nor should STB be a head office location for corporations – Tyger Valley and the airport are better locations.
We are strongly challenging Stellenbosch Municipality and the Province prepare and to assess all transport and spatial development plans proposals against core principles of sustainable development. The Provincial Spatial Develop Framework is an excellent piece of policy that Stellenbosch must align with. Under this approach the R44 scheme as currently conceived and a full western bypass have no basis and must not be allowed to proceed.
The Non-Motorised Transport policy can be found here: