(Brief in die Burger van 12 Augustus 2017) Gemeenskapsorganisasies en ander belanghebbende partye in Stellenbosch is op 8 Augustus deur die Stellenbosse munisipaliteit per e-pos meegedeel dat daar eerskomende Maandag die 15de ’n openbare deelname vergadering oor planne vir die “verbetering” van die R44 in die Stellenbosse stadsaal sal plaasvind wat deur Minister Donald Grant Read More
Author: admin
Water restriction update – the outlook is critical
Herewith please find a letter from Mr Deon Louw (town engineer, Stellenbosch): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tSphxccfvgpQ0be6WuAtxyEXSvo7tesDg3RtzsKSmQ4/edit?usp=sharing
R44 upgrades and motives?
According to the attached letter from the acting municipal manager (Mr Richard Bosman) in April 2016, he recommended that planning for the R44 upgrades should conform to legislation and be integrated into holitic plans for the Stellenbosch region. Read the full letter and communication from the SRA here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BMEk3ZF8zZFZMcW8
Annual General Meeting 2017
The Stellebosch Ratepayers Association’s Annual General Meeting will be held at: Erforthuis, Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch on 29 August 2017 at 18:30 (registration) for 19:00
Stellenbosch Final Spacial Development Framework 2017 published
Please find the latest SDF 2017 framework on this link : http://www.stellenbosch.gov.za/planning/documents/planning-policies/4620-stellenbosch-municipality-sdf-2017/file This is one of the three primary planning documents of the municipality, along with the Integrated Zoning Scheme (IZS) and the Budget. It is also the development plan for the town.
Batho Pele principles for government service
Description from Wikipedia: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batho_Pele) Batho Pele (Sotho: “People First”) is a South African political initiative. The initiative was first introduced by the Mandela Administration on October 1, 1997 to stand for the better delivery of goods and services to the public. It is also now used to imply the dissolvement of government organizations deemed corrupt Read More
Disproportionate income from electricity may hamper economic growth and indignant support
Link here Or copy and paste this link: https://mg.co.za/data/2015-07-16-municipalities-are-key-players-in-the-power-stakes
Legal precedent about representation of minority parties on MayCo using “fair” principle
Click here or Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BLTQ1X3FvYzlTb2g1YUhheVd2LVdvTFRwSlJR
New water tariffs aim to dramatically reduce water consumption
The new water tariffs have been published. Please download them from here. Alternatively copy this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BTE95QjBENElxNVlKNlR3R3FKaTBfSm1RZVFJ
Stellenbosch Municipality Audit Report 2015-2016
Download the PDF report here. Link 1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BOVVVOC1Gb2dZMFE Link2: https://ia801604.us.archive.org/27/items/ports_2015-16_02_local_municipalities_wc024_stellenbosch_wc024_stellenbosch_audit_report_2015-16_pdf/Documents/07.%20Audit%20Reports/2015-16/02.%20Local%20municipalities/WC024%20Stellenbosch/WC024%20Stellenbosch%20Audit%20report%202015-16.pdf