16 November 2017 “I’ve really tried to cut down on my water consumption and over the last year it‘s been very low. However, over the past 3 months my municipal water accounts suddenly more than tripled. Knowing this cannot be right I queried my accounts with the municipality. They said the consumption was correct Read More
Author: admin
SBV standpunt oor die Meulsloot
Vir Sondag se Rapport artikel en vorige artikels en die agtergrond studie oor die Meulsloot sien ask hierdie skakel: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c_2EDgvfnRkwYhWZXYGCngDe2qUfQx0Z (Rapport artikel: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12h6h8RhPYFnZTCzEdlqEIU2ZDkQZm03X) Die SBV se standpunt oor die Meulstroom is as volg: – die Meulstroom is ’n nasionale gedenkwaardigheid; – die hoort in die openbare domein en toeganklik te wees vir die publiek; – Read More
Defeat the water challenge. Mayor van Deventer status update
STATEMENT BY EXECUTIVE MAYOR OF STELLENBOSCH MUNICIPALITY – GESIE VAN DEVENTER Defeat the water challenge Release: Immediate 23 January 2018 As the Mayor of Stellenbosch, I would like to share information regarding the greater Stellenbosch water situation with our residents. This will help to assist some frequently asked questions and give clarity about our water Read More
Reminder of water usage misconceptions
Here please find the article: https://drive.google.com/a/centrex.co.za/file/d/0B9deG_h3QR0BdkZJUVo3MXZjMmtiT2ZUcEE4Ry1KQ2hMMlpz/view?usp=drivesdk
Borehole water is not for resale
Please find the media declaration PDF on this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BUjd0SE1yNjB1NTgzR25sUkVhSG5tc05qU3pB
Serious questions about the proposed Spacial Development Framework
Please find the letter from the Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BcElKVXA5VkNRR0FuSjAxRUxWVVhZWnkyNjBR
Vullisverwysdering gedurende feesseisoen / Refuse removal during the festive season 2017/2018
Hiermee neem asb kennis van vullisverwyderings reelings vir Maandae (25 Desember en 1 Januarie) gedurende die feesseisoen: Herewith please take note of refuse removal arrangements for Mondays (25 December and 1 January) during the festive season.: http://www.stellenbosch.gov.za/news/notices/5450-notice-41-2018-refuse-removal-services-during-festive-2017-18-1/file
Water information and bylaw information folder
Please find the relevant bylaw for water usage , borehole registration and other information in this folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BdXUwRW5scmdDdzg Also note the following updates to regulations about boreholes: Part 8: Boreholes 100. Notification of Boreholes (1) No person may sink a borehole on premises situated in a dolomite area, and before sinking a borehole a person Read More
Court position on Fiber Optic installation and owner permission
Please read more in the PDF court judgement. Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BV2N4Nm4yZFAwdng4aUxFQWFJY3VFY1lJRXdR
New ruling prevents municipalities claiming back undeveloped property