Everyone is required to register their boreholes. Using more than 10 000l/day also requires commercial use registration. Here is the form for registration: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BUDJVajdQa3pNT1E
Author: admin
Millstream / Lover’s Walk land surveyor’s report
Here is a PDF report from the land surveyor: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BWFpyUUUxajhWeEprWWg2d3VwVVlCMWxwdzRJ
Integrated Zoning Scheme – final draft for commentary
The final draft can be found here: http://www.stellenbosch.gov.za/planning/zoning-schemes/final-draft-zoning-scheme-notice Opportunity for comments closes 20 December 2017.
Response to Millstream lawyers letter
After receiving a lawyer’s letter from a law firm representing anonymous clients alleging that defamatory statements were made in the article below pertaining to fencing in of the Mill stream on erf 1771 (known as Meulsloot) by private property owners adjacent to the Millstream, a response has been submitted by the SRA chairperson, Mr André Read More
Jamestown Ratepayers Association AGM
Attached please find the presentation of the recent Jamestown Ratepayers Association AGM: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9deG_h3QR0BNU9SbC1Jel9vNXM
Western Cape Smart Agri Plan for climate change
Find more details about the plan here:http://www.greenagri.org.za/smartagri-2/smartagri-plan/ This plan was published in 2014.
Meulsloot eiendomme – verklaring deur burgermeester
Eikestad Nuus artikel: http://www.netwerk24.com/ZA/Eikestadnuus/Nuus/oortree-lovers-lane-inwoners-20170808-2 Verklaring van burgermeester: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R3ScTWMNcYnjlfphJJlnTeU2dj4rMDeph9ggBHw_RsU/edit?usp=sharing From: Andre D Pelser Subject: Re: MEDIA VERKLARING – Meulsloot-eiendomme, ‘n ingewikkelde uitdaging Date: 22 September 2017 16:32:38 SAST To: Jan de Lange (Eikestad Nuus) Cc: Derrick Hendrickse Middag Jan, Dankie, ek het die verklaring ook intussen van die BM se kantoor gekry. Die verwysing na die “regte” van Read More
Understanding Winelands Water Resources
Herewith please find a link to the recent Winelands Water presentation. Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BdXUwRW5scmdDdzg Special thanks to Mr Quinton Brynard from Winelands Water for supplying the presentation.
AJV Skyfies en Dokumente / AGM Slides and Documents
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