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Cellphone towers – important cases regarding public participation
In these cases Telkom was found to be lacking proper public participation: Article: https://mybroadband.co.za/news/broadband/301490-telkom-judgement-is-groundbreaking-vodacom.html https://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/news/city-of-cape-town-clips-telkoms-wings-in-cellphone-mast-fight-33864333 Cases: http://www.saflii.org/za/cases/ZASCA/2019/121.html https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BNDlMQ25TTEhidjhMUVY4MkFKcDZJTS1jT1hB
Role of agriculture in the Western Cape
Please find link to the PDF version of the presentation here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BZmhxUXg3WkRCblBpNEtWb0VTSlNsY05tR1lJ
R44 appeals outcome
Herewith please find the official response on appeals of the planned R44 upgrades: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0Bc0VOX19KcThOdUVuMW1FNmxpS2l4NGRESFdv
2019 SDF Revision for Stellenbosch
Please find the new revision of the Spacial Development Framework for Stellenbosch on this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0BZlk0SnJGanl4bG1xd0ZyZUpQUVk1U2pkWm1n
Water en elektrisiteit tariewe
Aangehegis die interaktiewe glyskaal waarmee finansiële impak van enige verbruike teen nuwe 2019/2020 tariewe van Water en of Elektrisiteit, vergelyk word met teen die 2018/2019 tariewe (teen dieselfde verbruik) deur slegs u eie rekening se totale Kw elektrisiteit of Kilo liter gebruik in twee geel blokkies in te vul. Onder aan die blad: (T.o.v, In Read More
Environmental Management Framework (“SEMF”) adopted by council 24/03/2019
Please find the PDF document on this link: https://www.stellenbosch.gov.za/documents/planning-and-building-plans/planning-portal/spatial-land-use-planning-policies/6971-draft-environmental-management-framework-for-public-comment/file
2019 Mayor’s speech – draft budget (open for public participation)
Please find the accompanying speech transcript here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uVXZSo7nEI6M0SS6OYsS3toHsLUF5IzcjXe5jcHmro0/edit?usp=sharing Final approval will be tabled before council on 31 May 2019. Feel free to leave comments below.
Commentary period for IDP and SDF
Herewith please find the two draft documents for the IDP and SDF. Integrated Development Plan: https://www.stellenbosch.gov.za/documents/idp-budget/2019-20/2019-2020-idp/7708-idp-2nd-review-march-2019/file Spacial Development Framework: https://www.stellenbosch.gov.za/documents/planning-and-building-plans/7589-draft-stellenbosch-spatial-development-framework-sdf-for-comment/file
Smart meters a health risk
Please find the related article on this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9deG_h3QR0Bcnk5eEhjUlBXN1NhblVYODMzQktjMUlhOUJB